Broken family - who wants that?

For the sake of pride, lust, greed and other selfish intentions.

Fatherless/Motherless children. Just because other people are doing it doesn't mean you have to do it on your own family.

You say you're right? Says who? You?

Love? Who are you to talk and lecture about love when you betray your own husband? Whom you vowed to love and be with in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, under the witness of Abba Father on marriage?

Why would you want to destroy something that you prayed to Abba Father to build and vowed to protect?

Rebellion, confusion, anger, chaos. All the ingredients are here! Someone's cooking up a big buffet!

The TRUTH is in front of our noses, we see it but ignore it! We deny the TRUTH!

Normal is not normal, and not normal is normal.

What is wrong is right, and what is right is wrong.

See here, it's the devil that rules the world!

Truly, this is not just a war of the flesh but of the Spirit.

Isaiah 5:20-21 and 2 Timothy 4:3-4 is here folks!

Currently feeling: drained
Posted by silentyell on September 17, 2019 at 04:18 PM | Add a Comment
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